CSE is equipped to complete hydrographic surveys, sediment sampling, beach profiles, borrow area searches, and measurement of waves, tides, and currents. We are certified divers with extensive experience in deployment of in-situ gauges under adverse conditions.
In a recent project in Charleston Harbor, CSE deployed nine current, tide, and wave gauges for a hydraulics study in connection with a planned bridge crossing. Working in zero visibility conditions, our divers recovered all gauges after a 30-day deployment, then relocated and recovered them again after a second month in the field. We had a 95 percent data recovery rate.
For a beach nourishment project, CSE divers obtained an unprecedented density of shallow cores for purposes of characterizing three potential offshore borrow areas. Sediment texture was evaluated in our lab via sieving at 0.25-phi intervals (for size distributions), chemical analysis (for percent shell), and physical separation (for mud percentage). At nearly 40 borings per square mile, we were able to produce detailed isopach maps of sediment parameters in a four-square-mile area and confirm 10 million cubic yards of beach-quality sand.
CSE practices hands-on coastal engineering. Our scientists and engineers are personally involved in field data collection, whether working with in-house equipment or directing specialty subcontractors. This experience gives us first-hand experience at a site and translates to better and more efficient designs.