CSE has extensive experience with NEPA permitting in South Carolina and North Carolina. The Bogue Banks beach nourishment project (2000–2005) illustrates our North Carolina experience. CSE completed a successful NEPA/NCEPA review process for the Bogue Banks nourishment project, culminating in state and federal permits for the $25 million project within 18 months after submission of the draft EIS document. This effort entailed completion of a detailed Biological Assessment, evaluation of all potential environmental impacts, and extra field data collection in support of the permit application. CSE completed similar services for the $32 million Nags Head nourishment project (2006-2010). That project required more time for environmental review because of the need to perform work in summer in that setting for safety reasons.
For work in New York, CSE assisted local engineers and consultants (including Greenmen-Pedersen PA) but did not assume a lead role in permitting.
Following is a partial list of related projects for which CSE was charged with preparing permit applications and supporting documents, and providing permit coordination and community liaison.